Securing Cloud Account and Importance of Budget alert


How to Secure the Cloud Account and How to save cost are very important topic to be aware of every cloud user.  We will see more details about in this blog.  As part of Securing Cloud, we will see below topics.

·        Safeguard the keys.

·        MFA authentication

·        Password rule setup

·        Limit the root user’s usage.

·        Audit the account and resources.

Safeguard the keys

Many people never changed their password since the account created.  Is it safe to generate for one time password and use it for lifetime? Absolutely NO!  We don’t realize until we face the impact in our own life / some friends talked about their real time scenarios.  Securing the account such a crucial part of storing the Access Key and Secrete key associated with AWS account in safe location.

Every organization have password rotation policies, password never hard coded directly in code.  Typically, password stored tools like Safeguard/TPAM for the respective service accounts for their production environment.  As part of job execution password retrieved from respective tool and authenticate before proceeding the business functionality of the job.  If the password is wrong job will fail with authentication issue.

When the EC2 instance created in AWS, we will be selecting the key pair, this pem file should not have any permission to Group and Others.  It has only read access to User, usually we will provide 400 permissions to pem file then it will allow to SSH public IP address.  That’s the beauty of AWS making sure we are securing key pair generated for your account, this should not share with anyone else.


MFA Authentication

What is mean by MFA?  It’s Multi Factor Authentication.  Now a days all the financial institution mandated to get OTP in your mobile for any critical activities, e.g Account Login, Money Transfer, Trading etc...  Fingerprint and faceid verification also very popular for authentication.  In earlier days we have hard token which generate PIN code to enter for validation.  AWS account has the resources like EC2, EBS, RDS, EMR. which runs business day to day.  Securing the AWS account and these resources also mandatory with MFA authentication.

There is multiple app available for this MFA authentication, popular tools.

·        Google Authenticator

·        Microsoft Authenticator

You need to install these authenticators in your mobile and register this in your AWS account by scan, it will validate with two authentication code as part of registration. 

          This auto generated MFA code is mandatory after you login with your regular password to make sure only authorized person logging into AWS account.  Organization to add policy to enforce MFA authentication to mandatory to login their user account in AWS otherwise user won’t be able to login to protect the account.  Since this authentication required individual users need to setup virtual authentication in their mobile app this is handled by individual users rather than Admin/Organization.

This MFA authentication for compliance related, personal information where Business intended to view only authorized resource to view. 


Password Rule Setup

Normal human tendency to forget the password, for easy to remember people keep their password has name, date of birth, week passwords etc… Not realizing how easy for hackers to guess this password to get your personal information/account details.  Setting up password rule at account level so it enforces all the users in that account follow this password rule to make more secure.  AWS account providing multiple options to more secure the password and protect the misuse by others.

Password Rule can set under IAM -> Account Settings -> Edit Password Policy

Limit the root user’s usage

Why do we need to limit root user usage in the account for day-to-day activities? AWS recommend least privilege access for any user.  That means provide the required access do to the job.  Typically, roles and responsibilities are distributed among different team.  Dev/testing team will not have production deployment access.  Only production support team/release management team will have deployment access.  It makes sense individual users perform their task.  Since the root user is super user which is having full access to account utilizing root user to perform day to day operations will have impact of accident delete of the resources unintentionally.  This helps the account more secure and make the system stable to run the business as usual.


Audit the account and resources

In general, if any permission denied messages logs are tracked with notification to administrator and management to take immediate action.  Audit team perform the routine check for each application followed the standard and password rotated as per organization policy.  Authorized account has only intendent resources to avoid the misuse/accidental damage to the system.

AWS provide many tools/services to track the cloud services in AWS account.

Cloud Trail – Cloud trails helps to track all the API call make changes to AWS services like EC2, S3, etc..  It captures the IP address and API call details.

Cloud Watch – This service used to monitor real time monitoring logs, identity trend and trouble shoot issues for the AWS resources. 

AWS Config – It provides complete picture of AWS resource for respective environment; also provide relationship of resources and configuration changes over time it can be used for audit/compliance purpose.

AWS IAM – IAM stands for Identity and Access Management, it will have all the resources what access it have.  This help for auditor to check and make sure policy access setup as intended.

AWS Inspector – This service scans the EC2 instance to help to identify the security risk and vulnerabilities.


Importance of Budget and Alerts

Setting up Budge and Alerts is very crucial part of Cost Savings.  This helps to track the project level expense and notify with alert mechanism before it reaches the threshold amount, it helps to make necessary changes to AWS service usages based on budget and alerts.

Budget can set alerts from AWS Billing -> Budgets -> Create Budget.



We have seen different ways of protecting the AWS accounts with Safeguard the password, MFA authentication for the sensitive and critical data protect with additional layer of security to view.  Also the importance of avoiding root service account for day to day usage as well auditing the AWS resources, setting up Budge and Alerts before the cost shoot up, to provide opportunity to identify where the optimization required in existing system.


“P.S. If you read it till the end, Thank you!

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This article is part of AWS Career Growth Program (AWS-CGP) by Pravin Mishra

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