
Showing posts from February, 2023

Identity and Access Management

Introduction IAM stands for Identity and Access Management.    IAM is a framework of policies, processes, and technologies that ensure the right individuals have access to the right resources at the right times and for the right reasons. IAM plays critical role in AWS, it determines which user has to access to which AWS resources (e.g S3, EC2, RDS, etc..).  Here user represent actual user/service account which is using your application.  As part of this blog we can look at below topics. ·        What is Identity and Access Management? ·        IAM User and Groups ·        IAM Roles ·        IAM Policies ·        IAM Best Practices What is Identity and Access Management? Identity refers to the digital identity of a person or entity, which includes the information and attributes that identify them in online spaces. This can include usernames, passwords, and other identifying information.  Access Management refers to Access Control, the process of controlling access to resources and data.

AWS Regions, Availability Zones and Edge Locations

  Introduction Amazon Web Services is early adopter of the cloud.   AWS started in 2006 to provide scalable and flexible computing services to business and individuals.   Business no need to spend upfront infrastructure and developers can build the application in economy of scale, reliable and securely with AWS Infrastructure.   AWS has many services few of them global, most of them hosted in regions/zones based on the consumer of the hosted application to reduce latency to retrieve.   As part of this blog, we will see below topics. ·         AWS Regions ·         AWS Availability Zones ·         AWS Edge Locations   AWS Regions What’s AWS Regions?   How it’s different from Availability Zones?   AWS Regions are physical location of AWS Infrastructure setup around the world.   The region consists of multiple availability zones.   As we speak there are 31 regions as of this blog created, this region counts are increasing rapidly since the cloud adaption for Business inc

Securing Cloud Account and Importance of Budget alert

                 Introduction How to Secure the Cloud Account and How to save cost are very important topic to be aware of every cloud user.   We will see more details about in this blog.   As part of Securing Cloud, we will see below topics. ·         Safeguard the keys. ·         MFA authentication ·         Password rule setup ·         Limit the root user’s usage. ·         Audit the account and resources. Safeguard the keys Many people never changed their password since the account created.   Is it safe to generate for one time password and use it for lifetime? Absolutely NO!   We don’t realize until we face the impact in our own life / some friends talked about their real time scenarios.   Securing the account such a crucial part of storing the Access Key and Secrete key associated with AWS account in safe location. Every organization have password rotation policies, password never hard coded directly in code.   Typically, password stored tools like Safeguard/TP